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Consider This Before Choosing Baby Sitter

Every parent would want Little is treated with love and attention. But not infrequently, both parents must work outside the home so they need help in looking after Little. Giving up the care and care of your child to a baby sitter or baby sitter, now many parents choose. Actually, in addition to baby sitter, parents can use daycare or a special place to care for babies. The advantage of using baby sitter services is that your child will get your full attention and will be easier to supervise and meet his needs in a stable home environment. In addition, the baby sitter can also help deliver and accompany your child while watching him when doing activities outside the home. It's just that the cost of a baby sitter might be relatively more expensive than daycare. Then if the baby sitter is sick or unable, then the child's routine and activities may be disrupted.

Ensuring Baby Sitter Meets Criteria

In looking for a baby sitter that is suitable and in accordance with the wishes, you can ask for recommendations from friends or family that can be trusted, in order to get a reliable and responsible caregiver. Ask for help from neighbors, if you are new to the neighborhood. Information can also be obtained from the nearest school or daycare center. The role of the baby sitter is very important for Little. For this reason it is important to carefully choose baby sitter by paying attention to the following:
  • Look for experienced baby sitters

  • Pay attention to the age of the baby sitter that will keep Little One at home, choose one that has a mature enough age and is not too young. Do not use the services of a baby sitter who is still a teenager, or less than 14 years. In addition, the important thing is the experience in caring for children and the compatibility of parents and children with a baby sitter personality.
  • Conducting interviews

  • Even though you have received a recommendation from a friend, you should first interview. Don't forget to prepare a list of important questions, such as the experience of caring for and caring for children and certificates that show he has attended baby sitter training. A good baby sitter can not only nurture and care for children, but also must be able to provide first aid in an accident (P3K) to children.
  • Pay attention to interactions with your little one

  • When interviewing a baby sitter at home, see how he interacts directly with Little. In addition, you can ask what the actions are if your child does not obey his commands or do things that are prohibited. Then for older children, how can a baby sitter entertain or invite children to play to support their growth and development.

Keep Observing Baby Sitters

When the baby sitter first works, you should stay at home for a few days to monitor and tell you the details of the work to be done. Observe his work, how he interacts and nurtures the Little One. Explain from the beginning what the job and responsibilities are. Do not give other work that is not his job. Give all the information needed to him, such as an important telephone number that can be contacted during an emergency and where he can seek help if you need help. Explain the Little One's daily schedule, so you can run the same schedule even if you are not at home. Tell the baby sitter also what needs to be avoided Little. Finding a suitable baby sitter is not easy. If you have got it, keep a good relationship with him so he is comfortable and comfortable working to care for and look after the Little One. The key is to make him feel needed, valued, and accepted in your home. Remember that this is a two-way cooperative relationship. If you respect him, he will treat you as well, including his treatment of Little.


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