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View the Advantages and Risks of Water Birth

Pain during childbirth is normal. Water birth is said to be one method that can reduce pain. Until now, water birth still triggers the pros and cons of the benefits and risks. In the process of giving birth to a water birth means the mother will sit, squat, or in other positions that make it comfortable to push in the water. This method is arguably very different from the conventional method in which the mother goes through the process of giving birth by lying in the delivery area.

Water Birth Can Reduce Pain?

One of the advantages of the water birth method is that it can help reduce pain during labor. Because, being in warm water can make the pain due to contractions become lighter. As a warm bath can help relieve stomach pain or back pain. In addition, there are still some other advantages of water birth, namely:
  • Relaxation effect

  • Water can provide a relaxing effect when a woman who will give birth enters into a pool of warm water. It can also make you breathe more regularly to reduce pain during contractions.
  • Buoyancy

  • Water birth allows you to sit or squat more easily in a pool, which is supported by the buoyancy of the water. So straining during childbirth in this position in the water can also be easier.
  • Easier to move

  • In a state of floating in the water, you will feel lighter so it is easier to move to find a comfortable position. What's important is that the position can make it easier for the baby to be born. The rule to remember is to keep your knees lower than your hips.
  • Privacy

  • Giving birth by the water birth method gives more personal space, so it is more flexible and comfortable. Some women feel more able to control their bodies when in the pool. This effect can be felt even more by turning on the dim light and keeping the room less noisy.

Understanding the Risks of Water Birth

Although giving birth by water birth has various advantages, on the other hand there are still risks from the method, including:
  • Drowning

  • When giving birth in water, there is always the risk of drowning for newborns. Babies may also lack oxygen.
  • Infection

  • When you push to give birth to a baby, it is likely to simultaneously shit. That is very normal. In an ordinary labor, the midwife will immediately clean it. But at a water birth, the stool might increase the risk of infection of the baby.
  • Pneumonia (pneumonia)

  • Although not yet supported by significant research results, this risk must still be considered when going to a water birth. It is important to keep the water at a temperature of 36-37 degrees Celsius and the baby must be removed immediately after birth. This disease usually develops in the first 24-48 hours which, among others, is caused by bacteria from the water in the pool and fecal contamination.
  • Meconium aspiration syndrome

  • That is a condition when the baby has pooped before birth, and amniotic fluid contaminated with feces is inhaled by the baby, causing respiratory problems. Doctors and midwives can recognize this when the amniotic fluid ruptures and is mixed with meconium which is generally green, thick and sticky. It is very important to immediately suck out the meconium fluid from the baby's respiratory tract, once the baby is out. The position of the mother during a water birth must be adjusted so that this action can be done immediately.
  • Cord damage

  • When undergoing water birth childbirth, usually the baby will soon be raised to the surface. But the movement of bringing the baby up quickly poses a risk of umbilical cord tearing and bleeding, which is the most common cause of anemia in infants.

Water Birth is Prohibited for Certain Conditions

Water birth has several advantages and risks. There are some women with certain conditions who should not give birth with this method.
  • Women who are less than 17 years or more than 35 years.
  • Having an infection.
  • Having complications such as pre-eclampsia or diabetes.
  • Will give birth to twins or more.
  • Age of premature baby.
  • The position of the breech baby.
  • Estimated to give birth to a baby with a big weight.
  • Having conditions that require mothers to be monitored regularly and cannot be done in a pool.

Things to Consider Before Water Birth

If a pregnant woman is considering giving birth by the water birth method, you should consult with medical personnel from the beginning of pregnancy. You also have to find out, which hospital can provide these services. Before deciding to give birth by the method of water birth, it helps you know what the preparation should be done. The following are some things that must be considered.
  • Make sure you are accompanied by a midwife, obstetrician or health professional during labor.
  • The pool used must meet the standards and keep clean.
  • Perform appropriate infection control.
  • Make sure you and your baby will be watched properly while in the pool.
  • Make a plan to get you out of the pool if complications occur.
  • Keep the temperature of the water around 36-37 degrees Celsius.
  • Drink water during labor to avoid dehydration.
  • Carefully determine when to enter the pool. If it's too fast, it can slow down the labor process.
To help give birth with the method of water birth, try to choose the services and medical personnel who have a certificate to serve water birth deliveries, in hospitals or maternity homes that have provided these services. Whichever method you choose to give birth to, both the water birth method and childbirth in general, the most important thing is to put safety first. Consider all possibilities through consultation with an obstetrician to get the best results.


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